UMDiaspora Calls for Peaceful and Democratic Elections

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The last several years truly tested the maturity and efficacy of the Republic of Macedonia.  The obligations of the Ohrid Framework Agreement were implemented, foreign investment increased, and most importantly, the European Union granted candidacy status to the Republic of Macedonia.  The United Macedonian Diaspora congratulates the Macedonian government and the Macedonian citizens for these great achievements.

However, to continue further on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration, fair, transparent, peaceful, and democratic elections in the Republic of Macedonia must be held.  As the date for the next parliamentary elections approaches the political parties have begun regrouping and the media has started speculating on possible pre-election coalitions, as well as condemning any voting irregularities.  For the United Macedonian Diaspora, these political preparations are a sign of the maturity of Macedonian democracy, as well as a sign that Macedonian citizens, government institutions, and civil society take seriously the message from the international community to conduct democratic, peaceful, and transparent elections.

These next parliamentary elections will be considered the most important to date, since now, as a candidate for membership in the EU, and a serious candidate for membership in NATO, Macedonia is obligated to show that it truly belongs in the wider Euro-Atlantic family.  Election incidents will leave a bad mark for Macedonia’s reputation in Brussels and will send the country into yet another unnecessary and unwelcome crisis.

The United Macedonian Diaspora urges the political parties, both governing and opposition, to act democratically and constructively while avoiding nationalistic and partisan confrontations.  Furthermore, our organization sincerely hopes that the will of the voters will be respected without the endless accusations of vote irregularities witnessed in the past.  Swift decision-making by the State Electoral Commission should provide timely and accurate election results.  The United Macedonian Diaspora is confident that the Macedonian citizenry will show its maturity in choosing the next Government that will lead the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union and NATO.

Founded in 2004, United Macedonian Diaspora is an international membership organization based in Washington , D.C. addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world.

For more information about United Macedonian Diaspora the public is invited to contact the D.C. office at (202) 294-3400, or e-mail at



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Previous UMDiaspora Calls for Peaceful and Democratic Elections


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